
Medicinal Cannabis Clinic

Dr Michelle Groves is an authorised specialist prescriber for Medicinal Cannabis at our practice. There are very strict guidelines for approval through the Therapeutic Goods Authority.

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Dr Michelle Groves is an authorised specialist prescriber for Medicinal Cannabis at our practice.

At Southport Doctors, our Medicinal Cannabis Clinic offers specialised care for patients seeking alternative treatments when traditional medications are not effective or cause intolerable side effects. 

Medicinal cannabis has been recognised for its potential to alleviate symptoms in a range of chronic and serious conditions, such as chronic pain, epilepsy, and multiple sclerosis, among others. 

Under the careful guidance of Dr. Michelle Groves, we are committed to exploring all avenues to enhance your quality of life. Our clinic operates under strict regulations, in accordance with the Therapeutic Goods Authority, to ensure safe and effective treatment tailored to your specific health needs.


How do I know if I am eligible for medicinal cannabis?

Can you answer yes to the following questions?

· Do you have a medical condition that has lasted more than 3 months?

· Have standard medicines failed to fully treat your medical condition or have you avoided treatments due to side effects?

If you can answer yes to the above questions, then you are eligible (subject to Doctors approval).

What do I have to bring to my initial consultation?

You will need to bring:

· a signed consent form available from our receptionist, or click button above to download and print.

· a health summary from your GP

· a full medication history listing previous & current medications for your condition, aswell as any supporting reports (scans or xrays).

How much do the consultations cost?

· The Initial Consultation is for approximately 30 minutes at a cost of $300 with a Medicare rebate of $76.95.

· All follow up appointments are $89.75 with a Medicare rebate of $39.75.

· There will be a $50 deposit charged at the time of booking your initial consultation.

How much will the Medicinal Cannabis cost, and is it included in the Consultation Fee?

No, Medicinal Cannabis is not included in your Consultation Fee. You should expect to pay around $4 – $10 per day for the medication. These prices are governed by the type you require and the Pharmacy. Like any other prescription, only the Pharmacy can provide and dispense this medication.

Please contact our reception staff who can provide you with an information leaflet, consent form. 

For more information please visit the Therapeutic Goods Administration www.tga.gov.au or QLD Health 


Make An Enquiry

Please fill in the online enquiry form to ask a question or request an appointment.

    Medicinal Cannabis Clinc Southport

    Dr Michelle Groves Southport Doctors
    Dr Michelle Groves

    General Practitioner


    Women’s Health

    Medicinial Cannabis

    Medicinial Cannabis

    Dr Michelle Groves is an authorised specialist prescriber for Medicinal Cannabis at our practice. There are very strict guidelines for approval through the Therapeutic Goods Authority.

    Our Modern, State of The Art Clinic

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